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The best current documentaries on space and astrophysics

The summer period rhymes with outings and beaches, but also with rest! And when you are curious by nature, thirsty for knowledge, it is essential to have at least a small list of documentaries to watch in case of intellectual distress. We offer you here some of them on the theme of space (the most exciting of the moment), which in our opinion are very solid compromises between quality and availability in French! Yes, unfortunately, many excellent documentaries on this theme are only available in English, at least for the moment…

Space conceals mysteries due to its vastness and diversity, and therefore represents one of the most interesting subjects in science. Every day, astronomers and astrophysicists study the phenomena that reign there, with the aim of always knowing a little more about our fascinating universe.

Interstellar Odyssey:First Contact

Since the 1960s, radio telescopes have been listening, looking for the slightest signal sent by another civilization from space. What if a spaceship from the future discovers that Earth is not the only inhabited planet? How would we react to this news?

The best current documentaries on space and astrophysics

This documentary transports you to a gripping quest, that of extraterrestrial life. Between breathtaking computer-generated images and fascinating interviews with researchers, savor 50 minutes of pure visual and intellectual bliss.

To see this documentary, it's HERE.

Space Colonies:The Moon

The Moon's proximity to Earth, along with the discovery of water there, put this natural satellite front and center as a viable location for our first interstellar colony. Indeed, the director of the European Space Agency has already sketched out their "lunar village" projects, intended not only for scientific and technological research, but also for activities based on the exploitation of resources, and even tourism.

The best current documentaries on space and astrophysics

Discover more in this documentary by leaping into the future, a future where humans are about to colonize the Moon. Space Colonies is available in two episodes, including this one. Each episode deals with a specific topic.

To see this documentary, it's HERE.

Interstellar Odyssey:Planet Hunters

The best current documentaries on space and astrophysics

In 1995, the discovery of the first exoplanet (exoplanets are planets located outside our solar system) revolutionized our conception of the Universe. Since then, we have learned that around every star orbits at least one planet, and a quarter of them could harbor life! Astronomers around the world are now laying the first milestones for a journey to these distant worlds...

To see this documentary, it's HERE.

Race for the Red Planet (3 episodes)

The best current documentaries on space and astrophysics

Using high-quality animation, interviews with American, German and Russian engineers, this documentary describes the tools being developed to travel to Mars. NASA and the European Space Agency are collaborating on two missions to Mars, using an Atlas rocket to propel a lander to the Red Planet, then a rover, finally remotely controlling a return mission bringing a soil sample back to Earth, d 'by 2026.

To see this documentary, it's HERE.

The Race to the Red Planet (The Race to The Red planet ) is available in three episodes.

Want to find out more?

To discover other equally fascinating documentaries on the theme of space, you can consult at any time our "Space" section from our VOD Trust My Science Tv channel. New content is added every week!

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