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Virgin Galactic unveils the interior of its spaceship

Virgin Galactic has just presented the interior of its ship that will allow passengers to float in space during suborbital travel. On the other hand, to afford a ticket, you will have to wait a little longer.

Four years ago, the company Virgin Galactic, created by the famous Richard Branson, presented its new ship called SpaceShipTwo. This "rocket plane", designed to carry two pilots and six passengers (maximum) in space, will offer suborbital flights lasting around three hours, during which travelers can float in zero gravity for a few minutes.

At the moment, the ship is still in the testing phase. In February 2019, during its fifth powered test flight, the SpaceShipTwo came a little closer to the frontier of space – unofficially set at 100 kilometers in altitude – flying up to 89.9 kilometers in altitude . During its previous test flight, the suborbital aircraft had reached 82.7 kilometers.

For the next flight, which should be the last test flight before the vessel enters commercial service, the famous 100 km mark (Kármán line) should be able to be crossed. During this trip, four crew members will play the role of passengers.

Inside the cabin

In the meantime, Virgin Galactic has finally revealed to us the interior of the cabin of this rocket plane during an event held online this Tuesday, July 28. The different images presented reveal a dozen portholes that will allow passengers to appreciate the beauty of our planet.

The seats will also be systematically personalized. In addition, a large mirror positioned at the rear of the cabin will allow passengers to see themselves floating freely in space. Finally, 16 cameras scattered throughout the ship will be in charge of filming their experience . Everyone, of course, can leave with their film.

Virgin Galactic unveils the interior of its spaceship Virgin Galactic unveils the interior of its spaceship

Once in space, the ship will return so that the portholes give a view of the Earth. Passengers will then be able to leave their seats and float around the cabin using handles. The latter were also tested by the chief trainer of American astronauts, Beth Moses, during the second test flight of Virgin Galactic operated last year.

All travelers will obviously bedressed in space suits . These, designed by the company Under Armour, were presented a few months ago by Richard Branson himself, founder of Virgin Galactic. Each outfit, personalized, will be flexible, allowing great freedom of movement.

Passengers will then have to return to their seats after a few minutes , as the ship reorients to begin its descent.

For now, the company has not yet set a date for its first commercial flights. However, we know that more than600 people have already reserved their place . The first tickets were sold at $250,000 each . According to the company, the cost of seats could increase significantly for a while, before the adventure is finally more accessible to the general public.