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What if the UFOs observed by the military were just simple drones?

For decades, UFOs have unleashed passions and often do not leave skeptics indifferent . A US journalist recently detailed his theory that could explain this type of phenomenon. For the interested party, UFOs would only be drones for the general public.

Classic drones sent by other countries

First of all, you should know that UFOs are not only the prerogative of Roswell fans and other ufologists, even today. Indeed, the US government spent 22 million dollars between 2007 and 2012 to investigate unexplained aerial phenomena . In April 2020, the Department of Defense (Pentagon) declassified three videos revealing unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

For decades, countless people have claimed to have seen UFOs in the sky. And if all this could be explained in the simplest way ? Tyler Rogoway is an editor-in-chief of The War Zone, a section of The Drive platform. In an article published on April 5, 2021, the person concerned detailed a theory that could revolt even the most hardened ufologists.

Clearly, Tyler Rogoway is referring to the various images declassified by the United States and therefore, military sightings in recent years. The journalist believes that the soldiers simply saw general public drones belonging to rival countries . According to him, these are machines that radar would not notice.

What if the UFOs observed by the military were just simple drones?

A theory that holds water?

Tyler Rogoway agrees, the idea that other countries would use conventional drones to penetrate US military training areas is difficult to consider. On the other hand, the country communicates regularly, and has done so for a decade on the danger posed by low-end drones. Regarding the amazing shapes and capabilities of the devices in the images, Tyler Rogoway also has an answer. According to him, drones for the general public are available in a host of models , whose configurations and capacities can be as different as surprising. Some of these devices operate differently than fixed-wing aircraft or other traditional quadcopters.

Finally, the journalist also claimed that in the United States many definitely want to believe to extraterrestrial events. However, this hope prevents them from seriously considering the possibility that it could simply be conventional drones. Let's also mention the fact that many pilots remain silent after this kind of observation. The latter fear that their careers will be affected by revelations that could be diverted. If conducting the investigation is a logically difficult undertaking, Tyler Rogoway's theory is still worth considering.