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SLS:When will the NASA juggernaut fly to the Moon?

NASA must once again delay the launch of its new super-heavy (and super-expensive) SLS launch vehicle, which will launch the next Artemis 1 mission to the Moon, this time because of a test issue. When can this take-off finally take place?

The SLS is currently undergoing integrated testing inside the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Florida. These tests precede the wet dress rehearsal, which has not yet been scheduled, during which propellant will be added to the rocket's tanks. A successful rehearsal would in turn set the stage for an actual launch:the long-awaited Artemis 1 mission during which an uncrewed Orion capsule will circle the Moon before returning to Earth.

When can this mission take place? Initially, its launch was planned for November 2021 . Development delays then forced NASA to postpone this deadline. Last October, the SLS should thus be able to take off in mid-February. Finally, we will have to wait a little longer before seeing this behemoth take off in the sky of Florida.

A new problem detected

When performing the built-in tests, engineers ensure that the Orion ship, the core stage, and the two booster rockets are communicating properly with ground systems. In a recent center stage power test, however, they detected a problem with a flight controller of one of the RS-25 motors .

"The flight controller functions as the "brain" of each RS-25 motor by communicating with the SLS rocket to provide precise motor control as well as diagnostics internal health “, thus describes NASA. “Each controller is equipped with two channels so that there is a backup in case something goes wrong with one of the channels when launching or climbing. In recent testing, channel B of motor controller four failed to turn on consistently “.

SLS:When will the NASA juggernaut fly to the Moon?

Spring launch

After detecting this issue, engineers performed additional inspections. They finally decided to replace the problematic motor controller. This new "incident" forces NASA to postpone the launch of its huge rocket again. Two windows based on the alignment of the Moon with the Earth will be offered in March and April . The wet dress rehearsal will mark a milestone after that, after which NASA will provide a specific launch date. Then everything will depend on the weather.

This flight will aim to test the safety of the Orion vehicle. During the Artemis-2 mission, a crew of four will make a similar trip around the Moon. NASA hopes to bring astronauts back to the lunar surface as part of the Artemis 3 mission, which should take place after 2025 . This will be a first since the Apollo 17 mission in 1972. The SLS will then fly to the Moon for at least ten years. Each of these flights will cost about two billion dollars.