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Europe will help NASA build the mini-station in lunar orbit

The European Space Agency (ESA) on Tuesday, October 27 signed a memorandum of understanding formalizing its collaboration on the Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway, the future outpost in NASA lunar orbit.

NASA has set a goal of returning humans to the Moon as early as 2024 as part of its Artemis program. In this spirit, the agency is currently developing a mini-station project in lunar orbit called Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway (one-sixth the size of the ISS). The main purpose of this gateway will be to serve as a hub between the Earth and our satellite . Astronauts will be able to stay on the surface of the Moon between two missions and conduct experiments there. Eventually, the station could also serve as a "relay point" for future Mars missions.

ESA built the main housing module

With this in mind, NASA recently awarded a contract to its historical partner Northrop Grumman (USA). The company will be responsible for designing one of the station's housing modules (HALO, for Habitation and Logistics Outpost).

More recently, NASA also awarded a new contract, this time to ESA, to build a second habitation module. Larger than Northrop Grumman, this is where astronauts will stay when they visit the Gateway .

There is also talk of building a supply module. Called "Esprit", this module will also offer an observation dome similar to that available on board the SS, which allows astronauts to appreciate the beauty of the Earth. Note that the ESA is already collaborating with the American agency in the development of the Orion capsule, responsible for transporting astronauts to the Moon.

"Gateway will continue to expand NASA's cooperation with international partners like ESA, ensuring that the Artemis program results in safe and Lasting Moon ", NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said in a statement. Naturally, the European agency will also be able to exploit these modules in return (three flight opportunities).

Europe will help NASA build the mini-station in lunar orbit

Ready for 2024?

On the calendar side, the first two elements of the gateway, the power and propulsion element (built by Maxar Technologies) and the habitation and logistics outpost (HALO), should launch together in November 2023 .

As part of Artemis III, in 2024, it is not yet known if astronauts will use this walkway. The station may still be under construction. If this is the case, the crew will then board the lander directly from the Orion capsule. On the other hand, it is planned that the crew of Artemis IV, made up of four astronauts, will dock at this footbridge. Two of them will then remain aboard the outpost, while the other two will return to the lunar surface.