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The New Shepard rocket will simulate lunar gravity for NASA

NASA just signed a deal with Blue Origin to use a "modified version" of its New Shepard vehicle. The objective will be to offer suborbital flights capable of simulating the reduced gravity felt on the surface of the Moon.

As you know, NASA aims to set foot on the Moon, this time aiming for a permanent establishment. But working on our satellite involves "dealing with" its low gravity (one-sixth that of Earth). Also, to prepare, NASA will have to develop new instruments to then test them in lunar gravity. In this spirit, the agency has just signed a new contract with Blue Origin.

On the Moon inside the New Shepard

For several years, Jeff Bezos' company Blue Origin (Amazon) has planned to take tourists into space, just over 100 km above the Earth. surface of the earth. These flights will take place aboard a reusable launcher called New Shepard.

That being said, on March 9, NASA announced that it would also rely on this rocket to briefly simulate lunar gravity on its suborbital flights.

Whereas NASA can carry out extensive tests in microgravity on board the ISS, and over shorter periods on board suborbital vehicles and other aircraft operating on parabolic trajectories , it is much more difficult to perform tests in reduced gravity.

“ One of the constant challenges of living and working in space is reducing gravity ” , explains NASA's Christopher Baker. “However, a wide range of tools we need for the Moon and Mars will need to be tested in partial gravity, including technologies for in situ resource utilization, and environmental control systems and life support ” .

To do this, pod upgrades will be required. Eventually, the ship will use reaction control thrusters to spin at a speed of eleven revolutions per minute , turning it into a centrifuge capable of simulating lunar gravity for more than two minutes.

The New Shepard rocket will simulate lunar gravity for NASA

NASA said in its announcement that the first flight of this "lunar-gravity New Shepard" would take place in late 2022. According to agency spokeswoman Clare Skelly, the contract value is $2.69 million.